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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Back in the Saddle.....Again...

Two years ago, I started this lovely blog. It was long and wordy and intricate and verbose-just like me. In telling the story of juggling too many plates...I ended up with too much on my figurative plate. The irony is just....wow....amazing.

I wish that I could tell you that in the past two years that I finished my book and figured out how to make this all work, but the truth that I am still evolving and no where near finished. So what have I been working on? Besides the usual highs and lows of family life, I have been working towards one goal: streamline everything.

I gutted over three hundred pages of my novel and started fresh within those chapters, choosing my words carefully, giving them a greater impact. I want to pare down my body, whittle away my stress and focus until everything else just burns away.

I still get up early to write and I think that I always will. There is something sacred and magical about the early morning hours that allows me to connect with my characters while the night breath of the house lingers around me. I love the feeling that I am dedicating the most potent and pure part of my day to my craft.

Watching my children run down the beach like joyous little maniacs recently, it all fell into place for me. I can do this. I just need to lighten my load. Choose my burdens carefully and look for the just the right heft in the plates that I juggle. In meantime, the sun is out, my kids are healthy and I have good momentum on my story. Life is good. My adventure is just beginning.

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